East Caucasian tur – US 60

East Caucasian tur – US 60

In this episode of Ultimate Shot, we were almost below the summit when Volodia called us on the portable radio to say that the animals had stirred and were getting ready to go over the ridge. Only about 200 meters remained to get to the rock from which we would see the herd above us. We had to make tremendous efforts to climb the almost vertical slope in only a few minutes. The golden eagles had noticed the turs stir and now approached the herd, obviously attracted by some goat kids from this year. In the commotion, the birds gained us valuable minutes to climb the last meters up. Would I be accurate enough after the crazy race against time along the vertical pinnacles? Don’t miss Archie’s most dynamic and challenging hunt in Russia. Be with us to watch the new episode of Ultimate Shot.

Enjoy your time!


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